A new farm safety program from Nationwide® and the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS)

Nationwide® and NECAS have partnered to alert the ag industry about the dangers of manure handling and storage, to promote best practices for keeping ag workers and their families safe, and to train first responders on proper manure-pit rescue techniques.

As manure breaks down, it produces gases that can be poisonous to breathe, with hydrogen sulfide being among the most toxic.

On average, 60% of deaths on farms that happen in confined spaces involve the people who tried to rescue someone else — a family member, a co-worker or a rescue worker without the proper equipment.1

Read about the event that prompted us to action

Get a gas monitor at a discounted price

Manure pit gas concentrations can vary over time, so it’s critical to monitor gas levels before every entry and to keep monitoring while in the confined space to ensure the safety of yourself and those working with you. We’ve partnered with KC Supply to offer a discount on gas monitors.

Request discount code

Get manure pit safety & rescue training

Sponsored by Nationwide and provided by NECAS, this one-of-a-kind manure pit simulator travels the country training first responders, farmers, ranchers and others on the importance of confined space safety and proper rescue techniques should a manure pit accident occur.2

Learn more

Our most recent articles about manure pit safety

Manure pit safety and storage

Learn about the manure pit safety procedures you should consistently practice to help protect against accidental death or injury.

Manure dragline systems and safety

Manure draglines cut some of the hazards of applying manure to fields. Learn about operating a safe and effective manure dragline system.

NY community rallies around training

Read how a New York insurance agent worked with Nationwide and NECAS to bring manure pit safety training to her community.

Watch what Nationwide is doing to build awareness of manure pit safety.

Manure Pit Safety: Another reason why Nationwide is the #1 insurer of farms and ranches3

Nationwide leads the way in agricultural thought leadership among farm insurance writers. We’re also a leading provider of loss control and risk management resources for farmers.

Read more about how Nationwide promotes farm safety:

[1] Manure Pit Fatalities Spur Toxic Fumes Awareness, Ohio State University, Aug. 19, 2021 (updated July 15, 2022 at lancasterfarming.com).

[2] National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)-compliant gear with a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to fully participate. Access to 150 gallons of water must also be provided.

[3] By direct written premium, AM Best (2021).