Indoor grain bin

The National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) conducts lifesaving training with farmers, farm workers and first responders around rural America. Training focuses on key hazards like manure pits and grain bins. It equips participants with tools and education that enables them to prevent the kind of tragic loss of life that often makes headlines around the country.

Now, that training is getting a boost in support from a community support grant. Awarded in December 2022 by Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson, the $375,000 grant is funding upgrades to training tools and equipment that will enable Peosta, Iowa-based NECAS Director Dan Neenan to broaden the reach of the organization’s training.

The community support grant funding was awarded late in 2022. Starting in fall 2023, the money began becoming available for Neenan to bolster NECAS training tools and equipment. He said by spring 2024, around 75% of the funding had been earmarked for specific tools and equipment. But spending will continue throughout 2024 until all components of the training upgrades are completed.

“When you talk ag safety, it's all about the partnerships. With NECAS safety training and equipment, we’re changing the story,” Neenan said. “We’re always looking at ways to make our training more realistic. This grant is helping us enhance the training we're already doing. We’re replacing things that were out-of-date and adding new technology.”

With the grant, Neenan and NECAS are adding new training tools

  • Four-gas monitor trainers. The new tools will test trainees’ reactions to on-board alarms when the monitors simulate toxic atmospheres, like a lack of oxygen or increased hydrogen sulfide levels. Four-gas monitors are key tools in conducting successful manure pit rescues.
  • New grain rescue training simulator trailer. The new trailer will be NECAS’ third grain rescue training simulator that instructs trainees on how to save someone engulfed in grain. Also larger than previous simulator trailers, it will enable double the trainees to observe simulated rescues during each session.
  • Indoor grain rescue training facility. Inside the NECAS headquarters in Peosta, Iowa, the new facility will add to existing grain rescue training by adding training and rigging exercises, key components of a successful grain rescue. The facility will also include large monitors to show trainees what’s happening during a simulated rescue inside one of the two new bins.
  • Anhydrous ammonia training mannequin. The new mannequin will demonstrate the damage of anhydrous burns to a victim’s skin, enabling trainees to practice burn treatment. The mannequin will also open training to intubation and starting IVs in simulated anhydrous accident victims.
  • Tractor rollover simulator upgrades. Adding the latest battery-powered jaws of life and high-tech air bags to a new tandem-axle tractor rollover trailer simulator with trailer brakes will add to training for first responders.

“These new tools are enhancing our training capabilities. And we will now have the ability to travel around the country more easily to reach more farmers and first responders with the training,” Neenan said. “Our partnership with Nationwide helps tremendously in our ability to reach more people. These kinds of partnerships and the community support grant funding are enabling us to save more lives.”

See more about all NECAS rescue training programs and sign up to bring one to your area today.

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