Firefighter and burning building

Fire has for generations been a universal risk to farms around the country. Farm fires cause more than $100 million in losses and damage to crops, animals, buildings and other property every year.

Materials like baled hay and forage, machinery and electrical components, fuel and chemical storage, and grain storage and equipment are all common on farms across New York. These materials contribute to heightened farm fire risk, making New York crop and livestock production an epicenter for fire prevention education and generally heightened awareness of the risk fire poses.

Preventable with the right tools and training

Fortunately for farmers, their employees and the entire ag supply chain, there is new technology to help with farm fire prevention and suppression. With the right instruction and training, these new tools can help lessen the stress fire risk can create for farmers on a daily basis.

“We’re constantly aware of the risk fire poses to our farm, and staying on top of all of the tools at our disposal to prevent fire isn’t always easy,” said New York Farm Bureau President and Madrid dairy farmer David Fisher. “That’s why we partnered with Nationwide to focus on this all-important topic at our annual convention this year. We want every farmer to walk away with some new knowledge about how to minimize this risk.”

Igniting innovation: Ensuring fire safety and preventing business disruption

That’s precisely what attendees at the New York Farm Bureau 2024 State Convention experienced on Wednesday, December 4, at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Verona. During an interactive session titled “Igniting Innovation: Ensuring Fire Safety and Preventing Business Disruption,” Nationwide hosted a workshop and brought in subject matter experts from Risk Management, Teledyne FLIR and PrevTech.

What Farm Bureau members learned

Leaders of thermal imaging company Teledyne FLIR and electrical monitoring system platform PrevTech shared practical tips and ideas on how to prevent fires on farms around the state using their respective technology. Nationwide customers: Learn about exclusive discounts on these tools and others for your farm.

Such education came at a key time for farmers in attendance after recent high-profile farm fires caused massive damages in other parts of the country. Farmers in attendance got hands-on with the companies’ technology and learned from some of the nation's leading fire prevention and suppression technology experts and Nationwide partners.

"Teledyne FLIR and PrevTech represent the next generation of fire prevention and suppression,” Fisher said. “That's why we felt it was so important to have representatives from the companies share demos of their products and platforms with our members.”

Find our more about this year's state convention

See more highlights from the New York Farm Bureau 2024 State Convention

Learn about exclusive discounts for Nationwide customers on Teledyne FLIR and PrevTech tools

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