How SmartMiles works
Who is SmartMiles for?
Live close to work
Work from home and don't commute
Have an extra car you rarely drive
Discover what SmartMiles can do for you
What you get with SmartMiles
Learn more about how SmartMiles works for you
Yes. SmartMiles offers the same flexibility and great coverage selections as traditional auto insurance policies. But with SmartMiles you could pay less, because your monthly payment is based on the number of miles you drive.
The premium consists of two parts: a base premium and a variable mileage premium (Cost Per Mile). The Base Premium and Cost Per Mile do not vary throughout the policy term unless you make changes to your policy.
To calculate your monthly payment, we combine the Base Premium, and the Cost Per Mile multiplied by the number of miles driven in the prior billing cycle (typically the prior month). Because the variable portion of your premium is based on mileage, it will vary month-to-month based on the number of miles you drive.
Most vehicles manufactured after 1996 are eligible for SmartMiles. 2018+ Ford and Lincoln connected cars can track miles driven using the vehicle. Some hybrids and diesel-powered cars may be incompatible with the device.
SmartMiles is not available in the following states: AK, HI, LA, NC, NY and OK.
SmartMiles is a pay-per-mile auto insurance program designed to save low mileage drivers money, where the premium you pay varies by how many miles you drive, giving you more control over your auto insurance costs than a traditional policy. In addition, you can earn up to 10% Safe Driving Behavior Discount based on driving behavior data collected during the first term of participation.
SmartRide is a safe-driving discount program for traditional auto insurance policies. You earn a 10% participation discount at enrollment, and you can earn up to a 40% discount on your premium that applies at renewal by displaying safe driving behaviors during a one-time evaluation period.
If you have questions about which program is right for you, contact your agent or call us at 1-855-421-2688.