Nationwide Peak® 10 is a single-purchase-payment deferred fixed indexed annuity designed to help you prepare for retirement. It offers growth potential for your investment while also protecting it from market losses. As you learn more about Peak 10, keep in mind why it’s so important for you to take control of your preparation for retirement.

Longer life expectancies

We’re living longer. Chances are good that we’ll also spend more time in retirement, so it’s important to plan how to fund those extra years.

A shift in responsibility

Pensions used to be a reliable source of retirement income, but the burden of funding retirement has substantially shifted to individuals.

Common concerns

Many people worry about the stock market and general financial stability, so they have been keeping their money in cash accounts.

Key features of Nationwide Peak 10

Protection from market risk

We guarantee that you won’t lose any of your initial investment or credited earnings due to the performance of the underlying index or indexes.

Growth potential with guarantees

Your annuity has the potential for higher credited earnings than traditional fixed investments might offer.

Protection for a spouse

The death benefit can be paid to you or your surviving spouse, no matter which one of you owns the contract or passes away first.

Deferral of taxes

Your annuity value may grow tax-deferred and allow you to delay paying taxes until you begin taking withdrawals.

Keep in mind that protections and guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, and if you withdraw assets within the first 10 years of your contract, your principal may be reduced by surrender charges.1

Guaranteed lifetime income choices

With Nationwide Peak 10, you can receive guaranteed lifetime withdrawals that will never decrease, even if your contract value drops to zero. You have two choices to consider:

Guaranteed Income Solution

This is a built-in feature of your annuity and included at no additional cost. It offers a 4% simple interest roll-up on the income benefit base (your premium) for 10 years or until the first withdrawal, whichever comes first.

Bonus Income+ Rider

This is available at an additional cost (1.00% — single life; 1.30% — joint life). It adds a 20% credit to the income benefit base (your premium) and offers a 8% simple interest roll-up from there for 10 years or until the first lifetime withdrawal, whichever comes first. Plus, you’re allowed one nonlifetime withdrawal that will neither stop the roll-up nor lock in the lifetime withdrawal percentage.

The Income Benefit Base is a numerical value used to determine how much your lifetime withdrawals will be. It’s the higher of your contract value or the simple interest roll-up for the option you choose. It isn’t a cash value.

Nationwide Peak 10 FAQs

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There are no annual contract or administrative fees, but if you choose the Bonus Income+ Rider, the fee will be charged against your account value.
For the annuitant, the maximum age is 85; the owner may be any age.
$25,000 single purchase payment for qualified and nonqualified contracts.
  • Nonqualified
  • IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • 401(a) (Investment only)

A 10-year surrender charge is applied to contract value and is based on the state where the contract is issued:

  • 10%, 10%, 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 0% in AL, AR, AZ, CO, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MT, NC, ND, NE, NM, SD, TN, VA, VT, WI and WV
  • 9.2%, 8.9%, 7.9%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, 0% in AK, CT, IA, ID, MN, MO, MS, NH, NJ, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, UT, WA and WY

If you’re the sole owner and annuitant, when you pass away, a death benefit will be paid to the beneficiaries you named for your contract. The death benefit will be equal to the contract value.

A Joint Option is also available if the contract owner names a spouse as a co-annuitant. This allows the death benefit to be paid to either surviving spouse, no matter which one owns the contract or passes away first. The surviving spouse also has the option to continue the annuity contract at the death benefit value. Any remaining surrender charge or MVA would no longer apply to the contract.

Peak 10 offers five different indexes

Nationwide Peak 10 offers growth potential based on the performance of underlying indexes. Choose one of the options below, or allocate among them and further diversify your contract.

AB Growth and Value Balanced IndexSM

This index is designed to offer more consistent returns with dynamic equity exposure that rotates between growth and value, duration-managed bonds to help navigate interest rate changes, and diversification and target volatility to help stabilize results.

Read the AB Growth and Value Balanced Index guide

BNP Paribas Global H-Factor® Index

Helps mitigate human bias by using data that is quantifiable to remove equities that have a higher probability of losing value, to help keep volatility low and provide more stable and consistent returns.

Read the BNP Paribas Global H-Factor Index guide

J.P. Morgan Cycle IndexSM

This index is designed to passively outperform the market with equity style rotation to align with the business cycle, bond allocation rebalancing based on current market conditions and domestic-focused, “smart beta” asset allocation.

Read the J.P. Morgan Cycle Index guide

S&P 500® Index

Widely recognized as the leading indicator of the performance of the American economy and one of the most commonly followed equity indexes, the S&P 500 has nearly 60 years of history and consists of 500 large-cap, publicly traded companies.

Read the S&P 500 guide

S&P 500® Daily Risk Control Index

This index is designed to provide access to the S&P 500® Index while limiting risk exposure to 5%, regardless of market conditions. When S&P 500 volatility exceeds 5%, this index allocates enough assets to cash to maintain the 5% volatility target. When S&P 500 volatility is at or below 5%, this index allocates assets fully into the S&P 500.

Read the S&P 500 Daily Risk Control Index guide

Ready to get started?
Contact your agent and invest in Nationwide Peak 10 today.

[1] If you withdraw assets in the first 10 years, a fee may be charged and your principal will reduce. The surrender charge schedule may vary by state.

Read this important information.

Guarantees and protections are subject to the claims-paying ability of Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company.

Nationwide Peak 10 is issued by Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

Fixed annuities are contracts purchased from a life insurance company. They are designed for long-term retirement goals. Withdrawals are subject to income tax, and withdrawals before age 59½ may be subject to a 10% early withdrawal federal tax penalty. Please keep in mind that annuities have limitations. They are designed for long-term retirement goals. They are not meant to be used as emergency funds, as income for day-to-day expenses or to fund short-term savings goals.

The Alliance Bernstein Growth and Value Index (“AB Growth and Value”) is a mark owned by Alliance Bernstein L.P. (“AB”) and has been licensed to Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (“Licensee”). The indexed annuity product to which this disclosure applies (the “Product”) has been developed solely by Licensee. The Product is not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by AB, and AB bears no liability with respect to the Product or any index on which such Product is based. AB does not provide investment advice to the Product or Licensee, and in no event shall any contract owner of the Product be deemed to be a client of AB. The contract contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship AB has with the Licensee and any related product.

This product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by BNP Paribas or any of its affiliates (collectively, “BNP Paribas”). Neither BNP Paribas nor any other party (including without limitation any calculation agents or data providers) makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the advisability of purchasing this product. BNP Parabis Global H-Factor Index (the “Index”) is the exclusive property of BNP Paribas. BNP Paribas and the Index are service marks of BNP Paribas and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company. Neither BNP Paribas nor any other party has or will have any obligation or liability to owners of this product in connection with the administration or marketing of this product, and neither BNP Paribas nor any other party guarantees the accuracy and/or the completeness of the Index or any data included therein.

The J.P. Morgan CycleSM Index (“Index”) has been licensed to Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (the “Licensee”) for the Licensee’s benefit. Neither the Licensee nor the Product is sponsored, operated, endorsed, recommended, sold or promoted by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (“JPMS”) or any of its affiliates (together and individually, “JPMorgan”). JPMorgan makes no representation and gives no warranty, express or implied, to contract owners taking exposure to the Product. Such persons should seek appropriate professional advice before making any investment. The Index has been designed and is compiled, calculated, maintained and sponsored by JPMS without regard to the Licensee, the Product or any contract owner. JPMorgan is under no obligation to continue compiling, calculating, maintaining or sponsoring the Index.

JPMorgan may independently issue or sponsor other indexes or products that are similar to and may compete with the Index and the Product. JPMorgan may also transact in assets referenced in the Index (or in financial instruments such as derivatives that reference those assets). These activities could have a positive or negative effect on the value of the Index and the Product.

The S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 5% Index Excess Return (“S&P 500 Average Daily Risk Control Index”) and the “S&P 500” are products of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (“Nationwide”) and has been licensed for use by Nationwide. Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”); Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”); and these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by Nationwide. Peak 10 is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P or their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s), nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions of the S&P 500 Average Daily Risk Control Index.

The AB Growth and Value Index, the BNP Paribas Global H-Factor Index, the J.P. Morgan Cycle Index and the S&P 500 Daily Risk Control Index are excess return indexes. Indexes calculated on an excess return basis include calculation elements that reduce index performance. Because of this, an excess return version of an index will have lower performance than a total return version of the same index would, especially in high interest rate environments. Some excess return indexes also deduct a notional charge(s) in calculating index performance. This deduction(s) will reduce the potential positive change in index performance and increase the potential negative change in the index performance.

Contract: ICC20-FACC-0130AOPP, ICC20-FARR-0130AO, ICC20-FAZZ-0158AO, ICC20-FAZZ-0154AO, ICC20-FAZZ-0155AO, ICC20-FAZZ-0157AO