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Participant actions & communications

While there's not much for you to do in advance of the upgrade, there are a few simple steps you can take to get familiar with the new technology now. This page includes all the details you'll need to get ready.

A few simple steps you can take now
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Take a moment to watch the experience overview video

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Be on the lookout for final reminders and welcome emails with more details

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Once you receive the welcome email, log in to your account and take a look around

Communications and related documents

To ensure you have what you need, we'll be sharing helpful information and final reminders via email before the new website and mobile app go live. We'll also post that information here. Please check back regularly for the latest details.

Topic: Your new website & app are live!
Audience: Plan Participants
Date: 01/16/2024
Action/Awareness: Details on your new website, app and registering for Show & Tell sessions.
Topic: New website & app next week!
Audience: Plan Participants
Date: 01/10/2024
Action/Awareness: Final reminders of actions you can take to get ready for the transition.
Topic: Email announcing the transition date
Audience: Participants
Date sent: 12/04/2023
Action/Awareness: Learn more at
Topic: Our experience experts will walk you through the new website and mobile app, while answering questions.
Audience: Participants
Date: Sessions are held daily
Action/Awareness: Register today
Topic: We have established deadlines for completing tasks on our legacy website
Audience: Participants
Date sent: December 2023
Action/Awareness: Review the deadlines and complete any related activities
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Contact our Participant Solutions Center
Still have questions about the transition? Call us at 1-844-675-5338 or visit our FAQs.