FFA member Alyssa Roling

The National FFA Agriscience Fair showcases exemplary projects from FFA members across the country. In 2023, McCook Central 8th grader Alyssa Roling was among the chosen participants, drawing inspiration from a 2022 derecho that left a lasting impact on both her and her family's farm in Salem, South Dakota.

Entitled "Grain Bin Recovery and Rebuilding," Roling's project focused on how farmers rebuild grain bins damaged by windstorms, including adding additional wind supports to mitigate future wind damage. It’s the same issue that inspired Nationwide to launch its BinStrongSM awareness campaign following the 2020 Midwest derecho.

"Alyssa's project caught the attention of our leaders who attended the National FFA Convention," said Erin Cumings, Sr. Consultant with Sponsor Relations at Nationwide. "We saw an immediate connection to our BinStrong campaign, which aims to educate farm and agribusiness owners and operators on the advantages of constructing grain bins that are less susceptible to wind damage.”

Roling presented her project and subsequent findings to a team at Nationwide and her research work circulated within the organization. Here’s more about her project and what it's meant to her, her family and farm community and agriculture in general.

Nationwide: What inspired you to do this project?

Alyssa: After the derecho hit, I remember driving around the countryside and seeing grain bins that looked like smashed pop cans. I was inspired by all the destruction on local farms — including my family’s — from the derecho. I wanted to know if farmers would rebuild their grain bins with additional wind supports to prevent damage from future storms.

Nationwide: What was the result of your project?

Alyssa: After my project earned top honors at the April 2023 South Dakota FFA Convention, I was selected to compete at Nationals, where I earned a top-10 finish. Presenting my project helped me improve my public speaking skills. My most memorable moment was representing my chapter at the National FFA Convention.

Nationwide: What did you learn from and enjoy the most about your project?

Alyssa: The majority of farmers surveyed responded that the additional grain bin support to protect grain bins and crops outweighed the extra cost of rebuilding with extra support. The four most common additional supports added to grain bins were wind rings, heavy-duty vertical stiffeners, heavier-gauge steel sheets and stronger roofs with high load-carrying capacity. I really liked learning how to conduct research.

Nationwide supports agriculture education

Skill development and experience like Roling’s exemplifies the impact of FFA on participating students, their communities and, in her case, American agriculture as a whole. That influence is what drives Nationwide’s support of FFA, National 4-H Council, MANRRS, Young Farmers & Ranchers and the Golden Owl Award®.

“Many of the men and women who walk the halls at Nationwide have direct connections to agriculture, whether they grew up on a farm, operate one today or simply have worn the blue FFA jacket,” said Nationwide Agribusiness President Brad Liggett. “We know how important FFA is in preparing young people for successful careers as agricultural professionals. The experiences organizations like FFA provide students can sometimes catalyze change that benefits all of agriculture.”

See more about how Nationwide supports agriculture education.

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