
Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund

Explore our multisector fixed-income strategy.

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Learn more about our fixed-income category leader (NWXHX)

The Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund (NWXHX) seeks to provide a high level of current income while maximizing total return. The Fund has the ability to allocate across fixed-income sectors, which helps decrease correlations and portfolio volatility, adapt to changing market conditions and provide important diversification benefits. With its flexible and nimble multisector fixed income strategy, NWXHX has the ability to pivot in reaction to changing market dynamics, taking advantage of investment opportunities that can be difficult to access.

1st percentile Morningstar ranking*

For period 11/2/2015 and ending 12/31/24 out of 255 funds


30-day SEC yield as of 12/31/24


1-year average annual return as of 12/31/2024

100+ years

of combined portfolio manager experience

*Rankings for the additional periods: 5th for the 1-year period out of 366 funds, 3rd for the 3-year period out of 334 funds; 3rd for the 5-year period out of 286 funds.

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Overall Morningstar RatingTM, Class IS

Among 334 multisector bond funds based on risk-adjusted returns as of 12/31/24

Average annual returns NWXHX as of 12/31/24
  YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year Since inception
Total return (%) 9.76 9.76 5.54 4.99 6.05
Benchmark Bloomberg US Agg Bond 1.25 1.25 -2.41 -0.33 1.35

The results shown represent past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the past performance shown. Share price, principal value, and return will vary, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. 

As of 12/31/24. Performance returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Returns for periods less than 1 year are not annualized. Total returns reflect a contractual expense limitation for direct annual Fund expenses for all classes for certain periods since inception, without which returns would have been lower. This material is not a recommendation to buy or sell a financial product or to adopt an investment strategy. Investors should discuss their specific situation with their financial professional.

Share class Expense ratio: Gross (%) Expense ratio: Net (%) Inception date
Class A 1.20 0.99 11/02/2015
Class R6 0.70 0.49 11/02/2015
Institutional Service Class 0.82 0.61 11/02/2015

The 12b-1 fees listed below are already included in the gross and net fees. The maximum sales charge would be paid directly from your investment. Sales charges and 12b-1 Fees:
 Class A shares - max front end sales charge of 2.25%, 0.25% 12b-1 fee (investment size may reduce or eliminate front-end sales charge). Class R6 shares — no sales charge, no 12b-1 fee. Institutional Service Class —no sales charge, no 12b-1 fee. The expense ratios are as shown in the most recent prospectus. The difference between gross and net operating expenses reflects contractual fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements in place through 02/28/2025. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectus for more details.

Product information

The Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund uses dynamic allocation, extensive research and credit quality to create a tactical multisector bond fund that’s largely uncorrelated with traditional bond funds.

Flexibility to allocate across fixed income sectors to help decrease correlations and portfolio volatility

An active fixed-income strategy that can adapt to changing markets with no benchmark constraints

Seeks to provide a meaningful income stream that stand alone or complement a core fixed-income portfolio


Access our breadth of materials about fixed-income investing and the Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund (NWXHX).

Learn how insurance-linked securities can provide diversification and help enhance portfolio resilience.

Explore how the shifting economic landscape opens doors for fixed-income investors with expert insights.

Learn more about the Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund’s performance numbers.

Our client-facing infographic explains the benefits of the Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund.

Learn how the Nationwide Amundi Strategic Income Fund differs from other multisector bond strategies.

Our investment idea can help you identify the best allocations to strategically diversify your clients' portfolios.

Meet the managers

Amundi Asset Management logo

Amundi Asset Management US, Inc.

Amundi US is the U.S. business of Amundi, ranked among the 10 largest asset management firms globally.1 Boston is one of Amundi's 6 main global investment hubs2, offering a broad range of fixed-income, equity, and multi-asset investment solutions in close partnership with wealth management firms, distribution platforms, and institutional investors across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

With its financial and extra-financial research capabilities and long-standing commitment to responsible investment, Amundi is a key player in the asset management landscape. Amundi clients benefit from the expertise and advice of nearly 5,500 employees in 35 countries. Amundi currently manages approximately $2.3 trillion in assets globally.3

Founded: 1928

Location: Boston, MA (U.S. office)

Assets Under Management (AUM): $108 Billion in the U.S. (as of 6/30/2024)

[1] Source: IPE "Top 500 asset managers" published in June 2024 and based on AUM as of December 2023
[2] Investment hubs: Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo
[3] Amundi data is as of 6/30/2024


Management team

Jonathan M. Duensing photo

Jonathan M. Duensing, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Investing since: 1996
Fund tenure since: 2015
Education: BA, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Kenneth J. Monaghan photo

Kenneth J. Monaghan

Portfolio Manager

Investing since: 1983
Fund tenure since: 2015
Education: MBA, New York University; MPA, New York University; BA, Colgate University
Jeff Galloway photo

Jeff Galloway, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Investing since: 1998
Fund tenure since: 2023
Education: MBA, University of Chicago Booth School of Business; BBA, University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Business
Investor smiling while meeting his business partner

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For more information about how Nationwide mutual funds can help you meet your clients’ needs, please contact us.

Call 1-800-848-0920 to request a summary prospectus and/or a prospectus, or download prospectuses here. These prospectuses outline investment objectives, risk, fees, charges and expenses, and other information that should be read and carefully considered before investing.

Fund risks: The Fund is subject to the risks of investing in fixed-income securities, including high-yield bonds (which are more volatile). These risks include default risk and interest rate risk (if interest rates go up, bond prices go down, and if interest rates go down, bond prices go up). The Fund may invest in corporate loans (which have speculative characteristics and are high risk) and sovereign debt (a governmental entity may delay or refuse to pay interest or repay principal). The Fund also is subject to the risks of investing in foreign securities (currency fluctuations, political risks, differences in accounting and limited availability of information, all of which are magnified in emerging markets). The Fund may concentrate on specific sectors or countries, subjecting it to greater volatility than that of other mutual funds. The Fund may invest in more-aggressive investments such as derivatives (many of which create investment leverage and illiquidity, and are highly volatile). The Fund's holdings may subject the Fund to liquidity risk, making it more volatile than other mutual funds.  Please refer to the most recent prospectus for a more detailed explanation of the Fund’s principal risks.


Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index: An unmanaged, market value-weighted index of U.S. dollar-denominated, investment-grade, fixed-rate, taxable debt issues, which includes Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, mortgage-backed securities (agency fixed-rate and hybrid adjustable-rate mortgage pass-throughs), asset-backed securities and commercial mortgage-backed securities (agency and non-agency). Bloomberg® and its indexes are service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates including Bloomberg Index Services Limited, the administrator of the index, and have been licenses for use for certain purposes by Nationwide. Bloomberg is not affiliated with Nationwide, and Bloomberg does not approve, endorse, review or recommend this product. Bloomberg does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any date or information relating to this product.


Morningstar Ratings are based solely on a proprietary mathematical formula based on measures of risk and performance that it recalculates each month. The ratings formula measures the amount of variation in the fund’s or ETF’s monthly performance (excluding the effects of sales charges and loads) emphasizing downward variations and rewarding consistency. Ratings are subject to change every month. The top 10% of funds and ETFs in the category receive 5 stars; the next 22.5%, 4 stars; the next 35%, 3 stars; the next 22.5%, 2 stars; and the bottom 10%, 1 star. Other share classes may have different performance characteristics. Ratings are based on each fund’s Class IS performance. Current fund performance may be higher or lower, which may change a fund’s star rating. Despite high ratings, funds may have experienced negative performance during the period. The fund received 5 and 4 stars (Class A), 5 and 5 stars (Class R6), and 5 and 5 stars (Institutional Share Class) for the 3- and 5- year period among 334 and 286 funds, respectively. © 2025 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.

Percentile rankings are based on average annual returns. Morningstar percentile rank is a standardized way of ranking items within a peer group, in this case, funds with the same Morningstar Category. The observation with the largest numerical value is ranked one; the observation with the smallest numerical value is ranked 100. The remaining observations are placed equal distance from one another on the rating scale. Note that lower percentile ranks are generally more favorable for returns (high returns), while higher percentile ranks are generally more favorable for risk measures (low risk). Morningstar Multisector Bond Category is ranked among 366 funds ranked for the 1 year, 334 funds ranked for 3 years, 286 funds ranked for 5 years.